Blog Archives

Summer is here and the fun continues

July 10, 2017

Been awhile since we have updated here.  Sorry guys.  I will try to make it to the computer more often.  Speaking of which my laptop died last week which didn’t help. June flew by in a flash.  Many fronts in and out which made it challenging to say the least.  But spring is behind us […]

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June showers bring May flowers?

June 23, 2017

June weather has been dynamic to say the least.  We started with sweltering heat and then cool, rainy weather.  Water temperatures have dropped from the high 60s to low 60s in less than 4 days.  But our fishermen have persevered and the fishing has been excellent.  When the weather stabilized the walleye fishing rebounded and […]

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Its June and the living is easy

June 11, 2017

Its warm, and sunny and beautiful.  And the fishing is indeed easy.  Bass have spawned and the males are guarding the soon to be fry.  Walleye are shallow and easily caught.  Water temperatures are in the high 60s and even warmer on some of the out-lakes. Summer is here.  Our first major hatch of the […]

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And the season begins!

June 3, 2017

This is our first post of the season.  We opened just 2 weeks ago and what a great start to the season.  At the ope we have beautiful weather.  Temperatures in the 70s, sun and light chop.  The bass responded immediately, walleye finished up their spawn and lake trout were caught regularly. Then came the […]

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We are off the grid

March 9, 2017

Greetings all.  Just a quick note that even lodge owners take a break every now and then.  Starting tomorrow we will be on vacation for the next 2 weeks, returning Monday March 27th.  During this time we will not be returning phone calls.  However, we will be checking emails each day.  So, if you are […]

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We are off to the races

February 6, 2017

Its Monday morning after the Super Bowl and I am still reeling.  One for the ages.  Just incredible. Where was I.  Oh yes, fishing!  As many of you have noted our first two television shows from last summer have aired and we thought they were wonderful.  Lindner’s Angling Edge along with Babe Winkelman’s show aired […]

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Here we go

January 3, 2017

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday with family and friends.  In just 4 months we will be heading up to our magical place we call home every summer.  Just a heads up that the many TV shows we filmed last year are starting to air.  More specifically: Lindner’s Angling Edge First airing on World […]

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